February 2019
A month focusing on low level requirements.
A month focusing on low level requirements.
View as a list now available, shows more information on files by default.
Scopes (permissions) added to File Manager to restrict access to individual files or folders.
File Manager now available 'on-page' (includes scopes).
It has always been our intention to blur the line between Pages, Blogs and Products (coming soon). The aim is to allow ANY type of page to be flexible and not HAVE to adhere to a rigid template. Jolojo has always allowed this.
This update allows both Pages and Blog to be managed in the same place and each type can be filtered for ease of use.
Contact forms now allow for attachments to be sent with the email to the recipient.
The Rich Text Editor now allows for better plain text pasting.
Source view changed to a beautified view for ease of source editing.
Remove formatting function added to remove any inline styles pasted from HTML sources.
Auto-linking now disabled.
Various tweaks to the in-site search function improving site search.
Caching engine changes to force new files to be re-loaded into cache (e.g. PDF files). Files can now be same name overwritten.
Golang updated to latest version V1.12