2019 Q1
Backup Management
- Backups are now split into three components, cms, auth and crm. This allows for the three parts of a website to be backed up and imported seperately, making the backup system a lot more robust.
Blog posts
- Blog posts now allow for a blog summary to be entered.
Contact forms
- Contact forms now allow for attachments to be sent with the email to the recipient.
- We have added a GDPR description input to allow for a more descriptive label.
Cookie Notice
- There is now a toggle in the confid section that allows for a cookie notice to be displayed at the bottom of a website.
Default Meta Tags
- A default meta tag can now be set in the config section which will be used unless one is set in a plugin directly.
Email templates
- Contact forms have been changed slightly, they now have a drop down menu for email templates, this allows for custom emails to be sent via a contact form as well as allowing for different emails to be sent to multiple recipients.
File manager
- View as a list now available, shows more information on files by default.
- Scopes (permissions) added to File Manager to restrict access to individual files or folders.
Page & Blog Management
- It has always been our intention to blur the line between Pages, Blogs and Products (coming soon). The aim is to allow ANY type of page to be flexible and not HAVE to adhere to a rigid template. Jolojo has always allowed this. This update allows both Pages and Blog to be managed in the same place and each type can be filtered for ease of use.
- A canonical URL can now be set for a page.
Password Reset plugin
- The password reset plugin now features a field for setting a redirect URL, when a user resets their password, they will be sent to the URL that's been set.
Profile engine
- This allows for profiles to be created using user defined schema and uses a profile plugin to display the profiles created.
- This also overhauls the user management page in the admin section.
- Various tweaks to the in-site search function improving site search.
Bulletin plugin
- The bulletin plugin now only displays if it has content, otherwise it alerts a logged in user that they have no content.
- Caching engine changes to force new files to be re-loaded into cache (e.g. PDF files). Files can now be same name overwritten.
Default meta tags
- A default meta tag can now be set in the config section which will be used unless one is set in a plugin directly.
- Golang updated to latest version V1.12.
Page anchors
- Anchors can now be used across pages.
Rich Text Editor
- The Rich Text Editor now allows for better plain text pasting.
- Source view changed to a beautified view for ease of source editing.
- Remove formatting function added to remove any inline styles pasted from HTML sources.
- Auto-linking now disabled.
- When a new website is set up, going to the URL now redirects to the setup page immediately.