Jolojo Updates

Jan 2024 onwards, seemed pointless adding our updates archive from 2018-23...

October 2024



  • More options for better placement of quotes

HTML plugin - NEW

  • With the removal of the Code function from within the RTE, it was not possible to add custom HTML - fixed with this new plugin


Typography Editor - NEW

  • API integration with Google Fonts for font selection, application and sizing.

Linked Data

  • Trackers added to Linked data display better in Configuration

Custom Stylesheets

  • Now editable via File Manager (dark & light modes available)

Mobile editing

  • Lots of improvements to the ability to use Jolojo when on a mobile device. Great for emergency edits!

Colour Editor

  • Selected colours now decorated with a tick for ease of use

September 2024


Social Plugin

  • New social icons as SVG's.

Text Plugin

  • Colour changer now available for selected text.

  • Text alignment added.

Video Plugin

  • Now allows a placeholder image that will preload for large / slow loading videos.


  • Modals are now draggable (that's been on our want list for ages)

Spacer Plugin - NEW

  • New spacer plugin added. Super simple. So many uses!

FAQ Plugin

  • RTE added to answer editor



  • Default sitemap.xml location added to robots.txt for SEO

Content Blocks

  • YES! We now provide a small library of Pre-Populated Content Blocks to help you get up and running FAST

  • ... And now you can save your own content blocks are re-use them as Pre-Populated Content Blocks on any page.

  • Jolojo now asks for deletion verification.

Page Management

  • Now checks for an existing URL map for the same URL as the new page and deletes if it exists.

Dragging Named Plugins onto a page

  • System asks if you want to bind to the original or duplicate content as a new starting point.

Page Management

  • Jolojo now shows an additional warning when an admin triggers a deletion of the root page of a website

August 2024


Text plugin - V2

  • New text plugin with a new RTE and modern UI 

All Plugins

  • Added ability to add anchor tag in meta modal.

Image & Carousel

  • Now make use of new fold detection to determine whether to lazily load their content.

Video & Carousel

  • Now automatically alter YouTube import links to no-cookie version.


  • Added the ability for user to add custom JavaScript.

Google Maps - New

  • Allows user to add maps iframe and alter size.

Blog Post

  • General improvements to user experience

  • Will set the page OG image and title from blog post data if not set in page management. 


Content Block Editor

  • All new content block selector

Page Speed

  • Several optimisations and improvements to increase page speed

  • Added fold detection for use by plugins

Page Management

  • Improved table display on smaller screens.


  • Added ability for an admin to set the width of the main content area for a site.

New Source Code Editor

  • Added the Monaco editor as the default code editor.

Email Template Editor

  • Updated email template editor to use new source code editor and live preview.

July 2024


FAQ Plugin

  • New FAQ plugin now added.

Content Blocks - Pre-populated

  • It is now possible to save a Content Block with plugins and then add this Pre-populated Content Block to any page.

Hero Plugin

  • This has had a full revision for functionality improvements and has been re-styled.

Gallery Plugin

  • Now has a new default hover style.
  • Alt text fixed.

Image Plugin

  • Aspect Ratio has been added.


  • Improved Modal (because it was getting complicated), YouTube videos now auto-find thumbnail images.


Page Management

  • Bug fix - when editing Page Titles and Descriptions from Page Management and using the pagination function, the data was not refreshing correctly.
  • Page duplication now shows all plugins in the order they are on the page for ease of use.
  • Page duplication now suggests that a Named Plugin uses the existing plugin by default.


  • Admin notes are now coloured red.
  • Stock levels have been added to Product List and Products (which can be optionally displayed)

Colour Picker

  • Improved workflow; choose colour and then name.

Colour Editor

  • Added a Page tab that allows Font and Background Colour to be edited for Header, Footer and Main content area.

June 2024

Plugins / Front End

Pop-up Plugin

  • Useful plugin that produces a pop-up!


  • Blog categories can now be added from the blog post.
  • If there is not a blog title plugin on the blog post page, show the bog title by default.
  • Blog list now allows 'show all' categories


  • OG images now included as part of OG snippets


  • Multiple changes to the Typography Editor, Content Block section editor and Plugin Style Editor. Hierarchy tweaked as:
  • Plugin editor (if present) - overrides all
  • Content Block section editor (if present) - overrides Typography Editor
  • Typography Editor - overrides CSS
  • Content blocks, Saving & Pre-Population
  • Content blocks and their plugins can now be saved and re-used. When a saved content block is added to a page, the plugins are duplicated and can therefore be edited independently or the original.



  • Better GA4 tracking
  • Vouchers can now be 100%
  • Guest checkout can now have separate Billing and Shipping addresses
  • Xero export now ignores Incomplete and Cancelled orders
  • Pay by Invoice now reduces stock count
  • Vouchers, if part used (rare), voucher is marked as used (for single use vouchers only)


  • If robots.txt is set to disallow in the config, a warning icon is now shown for Admins in the top bar
  • For sites that have multiple templates (normally for landing pages and reduced navigational functionality ecommerce pages during checkout) the template being used is now displayed in the edit mode of Page Management
  • Webp images are now allowed to be uploaded to the file manager and used

May 2024


Tier comparison - NEW

  • Yes, at last a new plugin where you can show offers, pricing tables etc. Nice :-)


Page management

  • Duplicate page now asks what you want to do with each of the plugins that are not in Persistent areas on the page;
    Duplicate - New plugin with a copy of the content.
    Existing - Same plugin (if you make changes to this plugin it will also change the original).
    Blank - New plugin with none of the content.
    Exclude - Don't copy

Programme engine

  • Now has the ability to use a prefix on a programme list using the selector 'has_prefix'.
    Context - this is used on a client eCom site in the Shipping options to allow different options for 'Dangerous goods' being shipped to Scotland, which as part of the UK can only be identified by postcode prefixes. 
  • Checking to see if impersonation (a user is being impersonated) is in use to allow for bespoke shipping options etc.


  • New export available for shipping labels
  • URL's now auto-created when adding first (parent) variant
  • Trade prices now available to users who have the Trade scope
  • Dashboard updated with last 30 days sales & date range selector
  • Ability to create product attribute as 'Pre-order' which allows out of stock items to be ordered
  • Stock Table added for ease of updating Stock, Prices and attributes
  • Product images now use first image in Order Management
  • Stock export available as CSV
  • Categories can now be ordered
  • Brands can now be displayed the same way as Categories


  • Inbuilt font function (Google fonts only), not allows both colour and size to be selected for default use for H1, H2, H3. H4 and P

April 2024


Blog List V2 - NEW

  • New version of the blog list plugin 
  • Allows for choice of posts per page and to display pagination
  • Admin can choose whether to display blog's summaries, date posted, thumbnail and categories

Hero V2 - NEW

  • New version of the hero plugin
  • Allows for choice of image, aspect ratio, text content (RTE) and text position
  • Up to two CTA buttons with colour picker for background and font

Testimonials V2 - NEW

  • New version of the testimonials plugin 
  • Redesigned model UX - allows for much faster creating / editing
  • Allows for choice of background and font colour
  • Also allows for custom choice of quote mark icons wrapping the plugin.


  • Custom styles picked up from stylesheet and displayed in dropdown
  • Added functionality selector so can now be used as more than just links
  • Added 'Previous Page' functionality



  • New table added for controlling stock, prices, and admin-selected attributes
  • New component added to display all of a products variants on the same page and allow for quantity selection before adding to basket
  • Admins can set trade prices on products and give selected users trade scope to get these prices at checkout
  • Basket will display variant image if it exists instead of defaulting to parent

Colour Picker

  • UX resign - now much clearer which colour is selected after custom colour chosen
  • Also made clearer that no colour is chosen


  • All plugins display their name in the header of their edit modal
  • Display added to page management to show if a meta title or description is too long
  • Custom content block styles - will not be automatically picked up from the stylesheet and displayed as toggleable buttons while editing

March 2024



  • Added the ability for Mega Menu to be part page (slide in from side)
  • Will automatically detect which side of the screen it has been placed to slide from correct direction  

Linking to home page

  • Additional checks to make sure that links to the home page anchor back to the top of the page.


  • Removal of some in-line editing and switch to fully Modal for ease of use.

Contact adding query strings

  • Added a function to allow contact forms to look for a specific query string and add this content to the contact form submission.

Content blocks & Video

  • Content blocks now support video background as YouTube, Vimeo or locally stored.


Duplicate page

  • Auto remapping removed. Page creation modal now shown on duplication for ease of use.

Editing Meta

  • Bug fixed where this could cause an infinite loop and not save.


  • Customers can now print their own invoices.
  • All content now renders server side.
  • Tag engine tweaks made in Product Management - keeps the Search, Brand and Category in between Basic, SEO and Tags screens.

Content Blocks & Plugins

  • Simplification to allow either to be edited or deleted without any confusion.

February 2024


Menu plugin

  • Fix page twitch on mega menu open.

Animated blocks

  • Allow text to be positioned by the user from within the plugin
  • Gradient background added.

Carousel Plugin

  • Lazy load removed as it was causing issues when a series of slides had started to repeat.

Menu Plugin

  • Now has a featured item that can have a different style, used in full page burger menus.
  • Allow scrolling when menu is bigger than 1 page on mobile

Carousel Video - NEW

  • New plugin to allow a series of videos to display to include Thumbnails.

Timeline plugin

  • Better styling in starter (base) template.

FAQ plugin

  • Better styling in starter (base) template.

Login Button

  • Aligned text size with template.

Login Form

  • Aligned font size with template.

Register with Password form

  • Will not be allowed to be saved on a page without an email template assigned.

Card Plugin

  • Added ability for all cards to have same height.

Audio plugin – NEW

  • A simple audio plugin that uses the browsers built in player.


  • Sign-up improvements.

Page Management

  • No Index, No Follow, No Archive – now added as Page Meta.

Data layer

  • Added for Google TAG Manager for ecommerce sites.

Fonts & Styles

  • Added the ability to add Google fonts.
  • Custom colours can also be defined that when edited update the whole site.


  • Shipping now included in Dashboard data

Edit mode UI

  • Now highlights plugins better to differentiate between Content Blocks and Plugins

Plugins list

  • Tweaks, minor name and icon changes

Sorting plugins & Adding plugins

  • Bug fix - where other plugins in the same Content Block could be hidden after an add or sort action

January 2024



  • Now allows different Break Points to cater for various device sizes.
  • Improvements to image loading and refreshing cache.


  • Improvements and better style in starter (base) template CSS.
  • Buttons
  • A few styles added in starter (base) template.


Page Titles and Descriptions

  • Now editable inline from Page Management.