2019 Q3



- The auth API has been re-factored to prepare for the upcoming Svelte front end.


- Tweaks to the cache engine to allow for users of bespoke applications to stay online while being temporarily off-line.

Data layers

- Data layer added into checkout for granular reporting to Google TAG manager in checkout process. Includes stage of process, basket total etc.

- Data layer setup for reporting to Google Tag manager within e-commerce tested in the wild.


- Further work to amalgamate the front and back end of ecommerce. Attribute engine started to allow for highly granular filter menus.

- Lots of work done on products administration and data including porting scripts from existing platforms in use. BIG job!

eCommerce products

- A lot of work this month on evolving ecommerce products. The core engine now accepts data import for products (subject to the correct formalisation of import). Brands and categories have been added. Linked products added.

- Multiple variants of a product added with bespoke programmable selectors for each (e.g. size and colour).

Jest testing

- Unit testing improvements and further adoption of the Jest framework started.

- TDD being built into ecommerce.

Profile Schema

- Minor fixes to reported bugs, notably 'name' can now be updated by an authorised user.

- Allow profiles to be sorted by department.


- Sortable library now replaced with VueDraggable. Various additional changes to make this more usable for site admins dragging Content Frameworks and Plugins onto and around a page.



- The default text loaded in the blog summary no longer displays on blog lists unless the text is edited.

- Minor fix to correct an issue when a misconfigured blog post would fail to display in multiple categories.


- HTML restructured for better templating in checkout. Remove dependency on having an address (payment gateway dependent) so this can be passed back by payment gateway where available to speed up checkout process.


- Further style changes to make dragging and dropping of plugins easier to use.

Events & Calendar

- Improvements to the search functionality for the calendar engine.

-Summary of events for administrators now sorts by column name.

File manager

- Replace all spaces with hyphens when uploading images and documents.


- Vue sortable dependency removed from jest Implementation.

Link Checker

- Link checker now displays pages that use the internal re-write engine to allow admins to correct links that are being diverted internally.

Profile Schema

- Minor fixes to reported bugs, notably 'name' can now be updated by an authorised user.

- Allow profiles to be sorted by department.


- Robbots.txt file now editable (disallow all / allow all) via a click in Admin dashboard.

RTE Links

- Jolojo now auto selects correct prefix (http / https) when pasting in a link to an external website.


- Fixed a bug that meant that in certain use cases, users were not being created properly on site set-up.


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